Pink Opal Pebble Bracelets


Pink Opal Pebble Bracelets, natural gemstone. Strung on heavy duty stretch cord.

Size: Stretchy, one size fits all. Approx.  2″ inner diameter, beads are 7~13mm x 6~10mm (shapes vary).

4th or Heart Chakra
Sanscrit: Anahata

Pink Opal wants to activate our Heart Chakra and provides peace and calm to our heart center and to our emotional body. By softening our heart, it then allows us to let go of pain we have subconsciously held on to. At its very center, this one is just filled with love.

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Pink Opal Pebble Bracelets Crystal System

Pink Opal Pebble Bracelets are made from an amorphous quartz composed of silica anhydride and water. Being a colloidal substance, it has no actual crystalline structure and is lacking a regular shape. It forms from a sedimentary process and is a secondary process from the alteration of high silica igneous extrusive rocks. (Alteration is a process that modifies pre-existing rocks or sediments).

Basically, it is a type of common opal that is opaque and does not have the “fire” like that of precious opals. It’s coloring ranges from a bright pink to a pink-white, cream, and even a very pale lavender. Currently Peru has the brightest and most impressive Pink Opal specimens, but it can also be found in other South American countries, USA, and even Africa and Australia. Most of what is available in he market today has come from Peru.

In the way that most opals form, pink opal occurs when water evaporates from silica, leaving a gel behind that eventually solidifies into the opal. The pink coloring occurs depending on the locale. Mexican and Peruvian pink opals get their color from small amounts of quinones, organic compounds often found in plants, that enter the stone during formation. American and Australian pink opals get their color from the presence of manganese.

Additional information

Weight 1 oz
Dimensions 3 × 3 × 1 in


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