Tarot & Rune Magic


Thursday: March 28th
6:30pm to 9pm CST

*This is a virtual class hosted via Zoom. Please go ahead and download the Zoom desktop/mobile app ahead of time at Zoom.us/download.

While we are most likely to think of Tarot & Runes being used for divination purposes, both of these systems have also long been used magically.

More info in description below.

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While we are most likely to think of Tarot & Runes being used for divination purposes, both of these systems have also long been used magically.

Join me as we explore magical ways to work with Tarot & Runes. Creating simple spells or elaborate rituals can be both enhanced by and informed by these two systems. A free workbook will be included.

Recommended: Tarot Deck and Rune Set

Instructor: Teal brings 35+ years of experience with divination tools like the Runes & Tarot to this class. She considers herself a life-long student and feels that there is always more to learn. She loves helping people find and follow their own journey to self-discovery.

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Class Options

2 Part Virtual Class, 2 Part Virtual Class & 10% off Book


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