Reiki Master/Teacher, Certified Master Crystal Practitioner, Master of Fine Arts

Susan Sullivan

My given name is Sue Sullivan, but I also have a couple of aliases. I am known in the gem and crystal world as Gemstoner, a nick-name I received a long time ago that seemed fitting and has stayed with me as I do my healing crystal work. And finally, aka Mama Sue. My blues moniker given to me by a now grown up, talented blues guitarist named Ben Meine when he was about two, it just stuck.

I have been infatuated with crystals and gems since I was a child. My maternal grandfather was my first teacher of the natural world. He taught me a lot of the old ways as to uses of herbs, purposes of different tree woods, and gave me my first unofficial stone classes.

My Education

My formal education was a Masters in Fine Arts in Minneapolis. Since then I have studied Theology and became an ordained minister, and worked towards my Crystal Practitioner Certification for which I achieved a Master Certificate in September of 2012. I am also an Usui Reiki Master/Teacher.

Like many artists, my interests are wildly varied. In some way, ALL of the interests seem to feed the creative process an artist starves for as a whole. Many, many years ago I was at a conference for singer/artists where we were asked to ‘sing’ why we were there. What came out surprised me. “I want to sing my soul free.” And, I think I finally have. The joy I experience has spread to all areas of my life and fuels my creative fire.

Some Store History

After running a metaphysical store front in Richmond, IL for 12 years, I made the decision to go back to my roots. The business of the business took all of my days leaving very little time and energy to create … anything. So, at the end of 2014 I closed the store and moved up into rural Wisconsin.

I am also blessed with the ability to hear when the gems speak. I do not consider myself a psychic, and I have not found a control to make it happen. It just comes when it comes. The messages are generally vague, many times only one or two words, but they seem to be a key to revealing answers to questions a person may have, or unlocking the door to what they had not been able to see.

Update 2020: 

I have missed all those special faces from the store. At the time it was a good decision, I needed a rest. And now I can chuckle … never say never again. Spirit laughed and guided me to a lovely spot in downtown Elkhorn where I once again opened up a store on February 12, 2020. I will only be open 4 days (Wed-Sat) and have set aside Tuesdays for appointment only healing sessions. Seems a perfect balance to allow me to do the work I love, have time for healing and still be able to fuel my creative side. Everything in balance. I look forward to seeing old friends and all the new ones I am still to meet. See the store —>

Update 2022:

We STILL require masks. The store is now open Tuesday thru Saturday from 11 to 5. And no worries for me burning out! I now have a wonderful assistant/apprentice named Jodi who is at the store full time. She is well versed in what I carry, in different healing modalities and is constantly learning. This has freed me up to spend a bit more time at my bench creating and for searching out new crystal goodies.

Tuesdays are still healing session days and I’m experimenting with some daytime classes too! With her addition I now only have to work every other Saturday giving me some weekend options for family and friends. Oh! AND I became a Grandma this past December – yes, the absolute highlight of my past two years living through a pandemic.

Weddings – Handfastings – Commitment Ceremonies 

As a Reverend, I am able to legally perform weddings, handfastings and commitment ceremonies. All ceremonies are personalized towards the couples wishes. After all, it IS your day! And, I create a keepsake booklet of your ceremony which is included as part of my service.

Pricing varies by how far I have to travel and if there is a rehearsal the day before. As a rule, most ceremonies run between $125 to $150 for my services. Please be sure to contact me early enough to make sure I would be available for the date you need.